Nissan Parts

At Martin O’Connor Auto Services we have certified Nissan technicians who can work on your car, ute, truck, SUV or van. Being Nissan certified, our mechanics have gone through the Nissan training and certification process which means they have been registered by Nissan to carry out official warranty work, servicing and source legitimate parts. We can work on all makes and models of Nissan from old to new. Our experienced crew understands every part of your Nissan vehicle and exactly what your model needs to stay working well out on the roads.

If your Nissan is under warranty, then bringing it to a certified Nissan technician means we only use genuine parts, tools and accessories to carry out any repair or servicing work. We use genuine Nissan diagnostic computers to assess the health of your vehicle and check for any issues. If anything needs repairing or replacing, we source high quality parts from trusted suppliers to ensure your car gets what’s best. If you need repair work done on your Nissan or just want a comprehensive Nissan certified service, contact the team at Martin O’Connor Auto Services on 03 448 5121 today.